Back in 2006, I was living in San Diego. I had recently finished grad school, moved to SD, landed a foot-in-the-door job in the field of my dreams, and was dating a terrific girl. Perfect city, perfect job, perfect girlfriend - it was all pretty, well, perfect... until it wasn't.
The perfect city turned out to make me home sick, the perfect job was fraught with more political bologna than I could tolerate, and the perfect girl wasn't quite perfect for me. Needless to say, I was disillusioned and doubting myself and my next move.
I was about as close to an existential crisis as a 29-year old can get, when Mom, in her kind, unassuming, yet deeply profound way, offered me some of the best advice I have ever received. "Ryan," she said, "God wants you to be a fully realized human being. What you do should line-up with that." Short, sweet, and incredibly helpful in providing me with enough clarity to find my way again.
And that was Mom - she provided just the right insight and guidance that would allow me to figure things out for myself. In the end it was my choice, my responsibility, and my life... but Mom was right there to give me the lift I needed to live on my own terms.